Mother Nature requires us to understand the concept of Teleology which means everything in nature has a purpose.
This fundamental of life is not taught to students by the existing education system. And this has been the case for the last many generations. As a result, human beings have not been able to respect and value the other constituents of this planet both living and non-living. We need to change the current paradigm by making the children of today understand and appreciate the fundamental concept of Teleology. They are growing up on a very difficult planet which they will soon be in charge as adults. The planet is in urgent need of repairs and that won't be possible if children don't learn to appreciate nature.
Children For Environment is an effort in this direction. Please join us in discovering the many stories, facts, figures, and nuances of our beautiful planet in a manner that is not limited by the concrete walls of a classroom and the perimeter of a curriculum.
Children For Environment is a platform to educate and sensitize children about the beauty, magnificence, and importance of nature to enable them to grow up as nature-loving and preserving adults given that the children of today will become the leaders of tomorrow.
It started as a Facebook page on March 31, 2021, and the success of the page coupled with feedback from parents and children inspired us to make the information being provided more easily accessible via a mobile app.
We want to talk to you so you can talk Earth with your children in a refreshing new way. This is crucial. And time is running out!
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Debashish has been a financial services professional with expertise in enterprise risk management and business controls in a career spanning Know More
As an engineer, Aarti spent the first 10 years of her career in the corporate world before branching out on her own in web development where sheKnow More
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